30 August 2009

Gundam Seed Astray Red Frame - me says..

Mecha fanz, Gundam Seed Astray Red Frame Perfect Grade is the latest release From Bandai. It was released early 2009. This kit allows various poses upon completion. I like the design of this mobile suit. It looks like a bad ass mobile suit, especially with the added Katana (Garbera Straight) which enhances the "warrior"-ness of it. A friend from Bahrain - Nasser (http://twitter.com/Nasnous), finished building his Astray Perfect Grade and kind enough to share some of his picture. Thanks bro. So why don't I have it of my own..? I would love to unbox it and start building, may be tonight I will rob my own store and claim police report in the morning... :P Look at that Astray with the Garbera Straight... Bring it on ZAFT !!! Theatrical Pose...what..? Box Pose


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