20 June 2009

Transformers 2

Transfomers 2 - Revenge of the fallen is coming to cinema. Sydney 24 June 09 There are currently lots of buzz and huzzz about this sequel, the media starts advertising, the gaming industries starts releasing their promo Contd...
Yes...the Hype is striking me deep inside my skin!! I cant wait to see Optimus got smashed in the head. see below...hehehe
I bought the ticket for next week Saturday screening last night at GreaterUnion Bondi and the seats were half sold out. Weewwww.
(Above) Sound wave from G1 looks very cool, strangely enough tho, he looks a lot like Optimus Prime G1...
I am trying to get a hold on SoundWave limited edition. Once i did, i will put it up in my collection for sale.
All images are taken from IGN.COM


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