26 June 2009

Transformers 2 - the anticipation

As the days draw closer, (i am watching it 3 days late after the Sydney premier) I am getting so hyped up about it. I even dreamt i was in the middle of the greenfield where i saw my (our) new maxx transforms into Black Optimus. How crazy is that.... what a neerd- but i dont care.
Babes, Cars, Explosion, Robot...the perfect combination of my kind of movies. I dont need Benjamin Button story line, just those ones and i will shut up and cry in joy!!!
Tickets bought a week early, when half of the seats in the cinema were already sold out.
But What I really want to see is ...wait for it ("barnie stinson" :how i met your mother)...... JETFIRE and PRIME combined!!!
I expect that, I heard that, I read rumour about that. Dont you dare tell me that !!! until i see the movie.
In JetFire we trust!!
Family in Jakarta (my home town) said, "it was great", "cant stop smiling", "awesome". "Friends" in twitter said: "you wont be dissapointed", "Bay kept Original Jetfire intact in the ROTF" etc etc.
On the other side, i also read :brainless, not as good as the first one, too much comedy, too much this and that.
...it is not about those things...its supposed to be on babes, robots, cars, explosion !!! its a no brainer...no thinking required. what do you expect...it is based on toys ---> comics --->cartoon/Anime ---> then movie. It need not be serious.
Spoiler Alert !!!


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